
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Band Festival

So yesterday on September 16th, I got to perfom with a high school marching band! (I am only in 8th grade) It was so exciting!! All of the 8th graders got to perform the songs Johnny B. Goode and Sweet Caroline. Which were extremely easy. But at the festival there were marching bands from all over and they came and performed. It was really fun and there were raffle tickets. I didn't get anything of course. :'( Anways we had to be there 2 hours early to practice with the high school and we end up being there all day. :/ But it was worth it and I figured out that I want to be in marching band. (I play the flute) The weather was a little bit chilly but not too cold. Although it was cold enough to give me a soar throat. :p Oh well! hahaha :)

Friday, September 14, 2012


I know it is only September but Halloween is coming up next month!! I love Halloween, it is like one of my favorite holidays!!!! I don't love it just for the candy but, for the dressing up part! When I was little (like every other little girl) I liked to be all cute. Then I went to wanting to dress up a scary person. Now as I got older, I want to be something unique and/or creative. One year I went trick or treating with this one girl and she was a fat old lady. She had like the padding underneath her night gown for the fat and she had curlers in her hair. Which was a grey wig. And she had a sign that said missing dog, last seen on my lap. But you see the funny part was that a stuffed animal dog was stuck to her butt. Hahaha I still laugh at that today. XD She has inspired me to be funny, and creative with my costumes. So this year I am going with a close friend of mine and she wants to be 80's girls. So, I was like okay that is cute... ok I will do that. Then my mother pulled out Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts!! (things from Dr. Suess Cat and the Hat... I think?) So then I was like OMG lets get blue afro's and be thing 1 and thing 2! But she wants to be an 80's girl. So, she came up with a plan to be 80's girls for half the time and the things for the other half. So I said okay but, it just seems to complicated. So I have no idea what to do and I also wanted to be Cat women... long story.... anyways if you have any unique or creative ideas for us, tell me! She wants to be all cute and I want to be different. So besides that stuff I am soo pumped for Halloween!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Question Corner or Not???

I don't know if this idea will work out or not but, I wanted to make a Question Corner. How it will work is you can got to the comment box and ask a question. Then, I will answer it ASAP. After some questions get going, I will promise to answer you even if this page does not turn out good. If it does, please give me questions on anything you would like for me to answer!!!

I'm a huge Jenna Marbles Fan!

I am sure that everyone has heard of youtube. If not... you have not lived!! hahaha Jk Jk Anyways, I can not stop watching her! If she were to read this...I...would....die! She is one of my role models to be funny and live life to the fullest!! One of my favorite videos is Landshark. You must look it up right now!! Go! Go! Go! I still remember the day I first saw her. Here is how it went... (btw this is the video I first watched - How to Avoid Talking to People you don't want to talk to-) ... first reaction.. oh well she is pretty. 10 seconds later.... WOOOW..... That was interesting. I LOVE HER -goes to watch more- So that is pretty much how it went. She does curse (a lot) so I do not recommend for younger people!! You people reading this will soon be in love with her videos!! She is A-maze-ing! Well if you like my blog, come back for more updates weekly!! I <3 Jenna Marbles

Sunday, September 2, 2012

President Poster

One day for our American Cultures class, we had to pick a president from their photos, not their information. So as you can see I picked Franklin Pierce. (who was the 14th president of our country) And I did not know he had a DRINKING PROBLEM!!! Our teacher gave us this packet of the presidents with their "nicknames" you could say. His nickname is The Hero of a Well fought Bottle. Yes it is bottle, I did not spell it wrong. :) And we had to put at least 5 photos that go along with his nickname. So, I didn't want to be inappropriate and put a bunch of whiskey and beer bottles all over my poster then get expelled for encouraging alcohol. Then I went to see my teacher and asked him what to put down for my poster. He said oh, you know... alcohol and stuff like that. My reaction.... okay??? thank you? Well after all it turned out pretty good with the help of my cousin!! So, yeah that's my story!! :D Come back for more updates weekly!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Labor Day BBQ

So as you know, it's almost Labor Day! My family and I are going to have a BBQ in celebration of this day (....even though it's not here yet). Earlier my mom and uncle went grocery shopping for the entire day which was really annoying because my two cousins and I had to watch five little kids. To entertain the kids, we made a fort..... 3 TIMES to make them happy. Then they made us take it down. (which was really fun.... NOT) Anyways, after my mom and uncle came home with lots of food, my two cousins and I help prepare steak, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, salad, and delicious chocolate cake!!! :) Well, I'm waiting for it this party to be ready, and for the guest to finally arrive!! <3

Welcome to Collywobbles

Does anyone know what collywobbles means? And did you google it after I said it? Well, collywobbles means getting "butterflies in your stomach". I picked collywobbles because it sounded cute and well everyone gets butterflies in their stomach.
Basically, I have no idea what this blog is going to be about. However, one thing I'm intersted in is giving out advice. Hint hint ask me questions anytime in the comment box. I don't expect you to ask me anything now since you have no reason to really trust me. Maybe though, after I get posting, you'll get to know me better.