
Sunday, September 2, 2012

President Poster

One day for our American Cultures class, we had to pick a president from their photos, not their information. So as you can see I picked Franklin Pierce. (who was the 14th president of our country) And I did not know he had a DRINKING PROBLEM!!! Our teacher gave us this packet of the presidents with their "nicknames" you could say. His nickname is The Hero of a Well fought Bottle. Yes it is bottle, I did not spell it wrong. :) And we had to put at least 5 photos that go along with his nickname. So, I didn't want to be inappropriate and put a bunch of whiskey and beer bottles all over my poster then get expelled for encouraging alcohol. Then I went to see my teacher and asked him what to put down for my poster. He said oh, you know... alcohol and stuff like that. My reaction.... okay??? thank you? Well after all it turned out pretty good with the help of my cousin!! So, yeah that's my story!! :D Come back for more updates weekly!!

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