
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Band Festival

So yesterday on September 16th, I got to perfom with a high school marching band! (I am only in 8th grade) It was so exciting!! All of the 8th graders got to perform the songs Johnny B. Goode and Sweet Caroline. Which were extremely easy. But at the festival there were marching bands from all over and they came and performed. It was really fun and there were raffle tickets. I didn't get anything of course. :'( Anways we had to be there 2 hours early to practice with the high school and we end up being there all day. :/ But it was worth it and I figured out that I want to be in marching band. (I play the flute) The weather was a little bit chilly but not too cold. Although it was cold enough to give me a soar throat. :p Oh well! hahaha :)

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